Transition Team and Universal Services
Especially in the preparing for adulthood section - Preparing for Adulthood - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Here you will find links to information on
Independent Living – Independent Living - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Education & Employment - Education and Employment 16+ - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Community Inclusion - Community Inclusion - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Health - Health - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Gateshead Autism Hub - Gateshead Autism Hubs - Daisy Chain (
Other sources of support can be found at SENDIASS - SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) - Gateshead Local Offer SEND 0 to 25 years (
Our Gateshead –
Max Card -
Citizens Advice Gateshead Home - Citizens Advice Gateshead
SEND Activities Directory - SEND activities directory - Gateshead Council