What is a Home-School Agreement?
A Home-School Agreement is a statement explaining:
· the school’s aims
· the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils who are of compulsory school age
· the responsibility of each pupil’s parents
· what the school expects of its pupils.
This is a simple agreement between the school, pupil and parent which outlines effective ways in which we can agree to work together to foster and maintain respectful and pro-active relationships as your child moves through school.
· Consistently apply and promote the school core values.
· provide a positive, stimulating, caring learning environment where each student feels, safe, happy, secure and valued.
· ensure Safeguarding policies are always adhered to.
· “Catch our pupils doing good”
· provide a broad, balanced, differentiated, and relevant curriculum, which prepares pupils for life beyond Dryden.
· ensure that your child works to achieve his/her/their potential as a valued member of the school community.
· maintain regular and effective communications with parents provide opportunities for parents to discuss any concerns they have about their child.
· welcome and respond to parents’ contributions about any aspect of school life.
· work with your child on meeting EHCP targets.
· use Restrictive Physical Intervention (Team Teach) when necessary to ensure the safety of staff and pupils.
· make sure that my child attends school regularly and on time. If school transport is used, I will ensure that my child is ready for the transport each morning.
· notify school if my child is going to be absent from school by 9am on the morning of any absence.
· promote the school core values
· attend and contribute to EHCP review meetings. Attend parent’s evenings.
· make the school aware of anything that might affect my child’s wellbeing, behaviour or work.
· make sure that school has up to date information about my child e.g. contact numbers, medical information.
· support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour/de-escalation techniques/Team Teach principles.
· support school community events whenever possible.
· work with your child on meeting EHCP targets.
· support your child to make informed decisions about their future.
· follow and work towards the school core values in everything that we do.
· attend school regularly & on time
· wear school uniform/adapted school uniform
· be safe in & around school
· take part in annual reviews/work towards EHCP targets
· reflect on behaviour and make good/better choices
· try new things (you might even like it!)
Celebrate your own and other successes