Rebound Therapy


We have a large trampoline at Dryden which is used for rebound therapy. This forms part of the sensory, therapeutic curriculum we offer to our students. Rebound therapy has many benefits

MUSCLE TONE. Trampolining generally causes an increase in postural muscle tone, simple to prevent falling over. In Rebound Therapy, the effect on muscle tone hypertonia or hypotonia is variable. Low ampliative bouncing in general causes a reducing effect on hypertonia by bombarding the muscle spindle in much the same way as shaking causes a decrease in muscle tone. High amplitude bouncing can cause an increase in tone by stimulating the stretch receptors. The two properties can be used therefore to increase or decrease tone where required. The effect of the rebound activity on muscle tone can easily be observed in people with spasticity, either hemiplegic or athetoid, or by effect on ataxia where tone can be seen to undergo change.

BALANCE MECHANISM. In creating A dynamic movement situation, so challenging balance mechanisms, observable improvement can be achieved. This is particularly relevant when working with adults where a dynamic balance situation is difficult to create in lying, sitting or kneeling.

KINAESTHETIC AWARENESS. By the multiple stimulation of joints, pressure stretch receptors, skin, muscles etc., kinaesthetic awareness is improved, leading to improved body image and spatial awareness.

ON MOVEMENT. Movement can be facilitated at different stages of the bounce. The most active movement takes place at the top of the bounce where acceleration of the body equals the downthrust of gravity to allow a momentary “gravity-free” zone. A tiny body movement can produce a large effect with correctly applied bounce. Momentum and rhythm can be added to movement to help teach new movement skills and energise movement. Balance and equilibrium reactions can be achieved through stimulation of postural mechanisms; by creating a dynamic movement situation, protective and saving reactions can be developed. The anticipation of movement occurs because of the effects of timing, rhythm and momentum. An inhibiting or stimulating effect on muscle tone enables active movement to take place. By using good positioning and low amplitude bouncing, good relaxation is easily obtained.

ON PERCEPTION. Body image, body awareness part awareness and positional sense are enhanced through tactile and joint sensation. Increased perception of body image, spatial awareness combined with rhythm, and movement itself, greatly develop co-ordination. The experience of movement into space with the return to stability, while remaining in control, provides an enriched learning experience, for the motor-impaired person.

COMMUNICATION Due to cardiovascular effects, vocalisation is increased – with exclamations and gasps. Eye contact and concentration are enhanced by the “focus effect”. At Dryden we use the sessions to develop eye contact, verbalisations and signing to ask for “more” and “stop” for example.