Achievement and Performance


Attainment on entry is significantly below National expectations; within the main school attainment on entry is usually P1 – P7 with a few pupils at P8- L1c. Progress is rigorously tracked from entry and judgements are made against this data. We make use of CASPA as an analysis tool.

We acknowledge that cohorts of learners in special schools are different year on year and we therefore place a strong emphasis on value added data, teacher assessment and our school assessment process which monitors individual and expected achievement. We also acknowledge that cohort size can have a significant impact on % figures when looking at progress.

Tracking takes account of CLA, FSM, Pupil Premium, gender, learning difficulty, most able pupils and medical need. Interventions for each group of pupils enables individuals to achieve in line with their cognitive abilities.

Teachers at Dryden set challenging targets for pupils based upon their knowledge of the pupil and teacher assessment. Targets are set through CASPA in Maths, English and PSD  (all ATs)
CASPA targets set within the P levels are 88% in the upper quartile, therefore pupils making and exceeding expected progress are achieving very well.
Pupils Annual Targets are set through the Annual Review process and are agreed with the pupil, parents and staff. Annual Targets are planned and taught as small steps of learning in the classroom context. Pupils are aware of their targets which are displayed on the class room wall in ‘pupil speak’.

Annual Progress Data: