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To encourage pupils to: develop an understanding of themselves, including their strengths and weaknesses, roles, preferences and aspirations with an emphasis on realistic expectations for the future; develop their capabilities, including decision-making and action planning, and promote the Key Skills which will facilitate greater independence; explore and experience appropriate opportunities via a progressive programme delivered as an integral part of the PSHE + C programme at KS3, and as a discrete subject at KS4 and Post 16. 2. To provide support at key points of transition for pupils, parents and carers, including the identification of appropriate post school provision be that at 16 or 18/19. 3. To work in partnership with parents, Connexions, Opportunity providers, local businesses and other schools. 4. To ensure the achievement of agreed learning outcomes through realistic target setting, pupil assessment and ongoing evaluation. 5. To provide guidance which is confidential and impartial and adheres to the schools equal opportunities policy. Implementation 1. At KS3 Careers Information Education and guidance (CIEG) will mainly be delivered through a PSHE+C programme of study, led by class teachers. The focus will be personal development and self-awareness, including developing confidence and a sense of responsibility. Pupils will have an introduction to the world of work and some of the job opportunities. In addition they will have the opportunity to take part in enterprise projects. 2. At KS4 CIEG will be delivered as a discrete subject by class teachers, supported by Connexions. The focus will be key skills, career management skills, self-awareness and opportunity exploration including, where appropriate, a planned programme of work experience (which may be in school). In addition pupils will undertake a number of enterprise projects. 3. At Post 16 CIEG will be delivered both as a discrete subject and as an integrated part of the vocational based courses. Eg Working in the school caf. There is some flexibility to tailor the curriculum to suit the needs of students in the Post 16 curriculum. Greater emphasis is now placed upon preparing students for adult life including developing their independence, increasing community access, promoting a healthy lifestyle and identifying and refining their skills for work. 4. The curriculum for CIEG will be planned and reviewed using a learning outcomes approach, supported by a number of published Schemes of Work. 5. A range of teaching and learning strategies will be used eg Role-play, video and subsequent self-evaluation/action planning, discussion, interviewing etc. 6. In KS3 pupils will be taught in ability groups or class groups. At KS4 and Post 16 pupils will be taught in year or class groups, as appropriate. Pupils may be taught on a 1:1 basis, small groups or in department groups. 7. Dryden School has a dedicated careers area, housed within the post 16 suite of rooms. This area holds a range of resources suitable for the range of abilities at Dryden School. Pupils are free to use the area with support from staff. 8. Opportunities for parental involvement in CIEG will be provided in a variety of ways including Transition events, Annual reviews, Parents evenings and inclusion in visits to post-school providers. 9. Dryden school will work towards enhancing the use of ICT within CIEG through the use of an appropriate range of software. 10. Pupils will access taster days at the local colleges of further education and any other establishment where it is deemed appropriate. Eg specialist residential provision, day services, supported employment etc. 11. Work experience placements will be organised for individual students based upon a detailed assessment of their abilities, interests and needs. Support appropriate to the individual will be given. Students may be referred to the Voiceworks programme. 13. We now have the use of two vocational rooms located in the school bungalow. At present these are used to provide simulations of office and charity shop work environments. This enables staff to assess students readiness for a community based work experience. Each class is timetabled to spend some time in the bungalow on a weekly basis. Monitoring Achievement and Experiences will be recorded and reported in a number of ways, including Progress files, Annual Reviews and Annual School Reports. In addition regular discussions will take place with pupils, parents, connexions and where appropriate social workers. These will inform the planning of work experience and visits to post school providers. Similarly all parties will be involved in the evaluation of these experiences. Pupil self-assessment will form an integral part of each unit delivered in the CIEG programme, further developing key skills such as decision making and action planning. Where appropriate student accreditation will be offered for aspects of CIEG including ASDAN and AQA units. Careers KS4 Programme AutumnSpringSummerY10Preparation for Work Experience in School Mini Enterprise (Eg Christmas Fair) Dream JobsJobs in the immediate communityKey Skills Self AssessmentDressing for the job. Visit to Connexions WORK EXPERIENCE IN SCHOOL Y11Preparation for Work Experience in the Community Presenting oneself (Talkabout)Job Families and Interest ProfilesInterview Skills + Personal detailsMini Enterprise (Eg Summer Fair)Transition to Post 16. Action Planning for the future. WORK EXPERIENCE IN COMMUNITY OR SCHOOL  POST 16 CURRICULUM - WORK RELATED LEARNING Delivery and Aims Work related learning includes Careers guidance and information, Simulated and community based Work Experience and Enterprise. It seeks to support students to develop a work ethic, function with greater independence and explore the world of work. It should be a very practical curriculum which gives students real hands-on experiences. It seeks to prepare students for adult life through exploring their interests and identifying their interests. We strongly believe that many of our students are capable of some form of employment in the future and see it as our role to prepare students by equipping them with the skills, attitudes and knowledge necessary to achieve this goal. We also believe we need to work closely with their families in order to share aspirations and realistic expectations. Work Experience Students need to experience what work is. There is no substitute for practical work if students are really going to understand what doing a specific job entails. There is a hierarchy to work experience eg the earliest stages are being given a responsibility in class and at the highest level doing a community work experience without the support of a mentor. Work experience should happen when the individual is ready rather than as part of a timetable. For management purposes it is better if they are staggered to enable appropriate support to be given. Preparation for work experience does however need to be part of a rolling programme. This can be in the form of in- class simulations eg factory production line. Cleaning the minibus. Running an enterprise. Bungalow vocational areas (currently) office and shop. Visits to work places/social enterprises. Working in the school caf Some curriculum units can be delivered in a way that simulates a real job eg Horticulture, hair and beauty, woodwork etc. There may also be opportunities to link with taster sessions of programmes such as Project Choice (NHS) where there may be the opportunity to develop links for future supported internship opportunities. Enterprise This is a strength within the department! Over the years we have run a diverse range of enterprise projects for a variety of purposes. Enterprise has enabled us to motivate and engage pupils and to share achievement with families. Projects may be small or large, short term or longer term but all enable students to celebrate achievement at the end. Projects may be run in small groups, classes or across the whole department WRL Careers education seeks to broaden students knowledge of the world of work. It should include information about the range of jobs on offer and the need for appropriate experience and qualifications job readiness. Students need to understand why people work. Post 16 should prepare students for transition after school and Careers education should help them explore what their options are. This should include visits to a range of Post 16 providers and attendance at Transition information events. Discussions around the future will also happen when preparing students for their Annual Review (PSHE) and during the meeting itself.      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