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This policy identifies unacceptable forms of behaviour and describes the options available to employees who experience bullying and harassment to resolve the situation. All employees are required to comply with this policy. The Federation recognises that employees experiencing bullying and harassment may have a right to take legal action against the respondent under civil or criminal law. However, this will not prevent the Federation from carrying out its own investigations and taking appropriate action. Definitions Bullying - any behaviour by a person directed against an individual or individuals, which is intimidating, offensive or malicious and which undermines the confidence and self-esteem of the individual. Harassment unwanted conduct affecting the dignity of men and women in the workplace. It may be related to age, sex, race, disability, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or any personal characteristic of the individual, and may be persistent or an isolated incident. The key is that the actions or comments are viewed as demeaning and unacceptable to the complainant. Behaviour that is considered bullying by one person may be considered appropriate management by another. Employees need to be aware that their managers role is to motivate and encourage teams and individuals, whilst striving to provide a quality service and continuously improve delivery. From time to time, managers may need to make decisions which employees may not like, and managers have the right to address performance issues and misconduct. This does not necessarily constitute bullying and harassment. Complainant - an employee who perceives that they are being harassed or bullied. Respondent - an employee or Member of the Council whose behaviour is perceived to be unacceptable. For the rest of this policy, the word harassment also includes bullying. Reasons why harassment occurs The Federation accepts that it is an individuals perception of behaviour towards them that can lead to the feeling of bullying and harassment. What may be inoffensive to one person may cause upset and distress to another. The Federation views all forms of harassment as unacceptable behaviour and will not tolerate it. By way of example, harassment can occur where there is fierce competition between employees, heavy workloads or an uncertain working environment. It may occur because a person deliberately sets out to intimidate, humiliate or distress another. However, it may also occur because a person fails to consider the effect of their behaviour upon others. Harassment of an individual can occur on many grounds for example, because of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, nationality, disability, age, physical characteristics or personal /religious/ political beliefs. Forms of harassment Harassment is about an individuals perception as to whether certain behaviour is unacceptable and disadvantageous to them. It can take a range of forms including: unwanted physical contact, obscene gestures; verbal abuse, jokes, offensive language, slander, gossip; ridiculing or demeaning someone; exclusion and non-co-operation at work; persistent criticism, unfounded criticism; being denied/excluded from training and development opportunities; unreasonable refusal to grant annual holiday or other leave of absence; setting impossible targets or deadlines/setting someone up to fail; making threats or comments about job security without foundation; misuse of power or position; excessive work monitoring or recording of telephone conversations without justification. How to deal with harassment If an employee feels they are being harassed, this needs to be brought to the attention of the respondent so that the harassment can stop. Harassment needs to be treated sensitively by all those involved. This includes how the respondent is treated as he/she may not be aware that their actions have caused offence or upset. There are two ways a complaint of harassment can be handled - informally and formally. Except in serious cases of harassment, the complainant should attempt to stop the behaviour using the informal procedure. The complainant should firstly approach their line manager to discuss the problems they are experiencing. If the respondent is the complainants line manager they can contact a senior manager within their school. If the complainant feels unable to approach their line manager, they can get in touch with a Workplace Contact of their choice who will be trained in this procedure or they can contact their trade union. The Workplace Contact/trade union representative can inform the complainant of the options available to resolve the situation and support the individual throughout the process. A list of Workplace Contacts and the services they cover is available on the Council Intranet or from Human Resources. Any employee who has had a complaint of harassment made against them can also contact a Workplace Contact or trade union for support during or after any informal or formal procedure. However, a Workplace Contact/trade union representative cannot provide support to a complainant and respondent involved in the same case therefore one of the parties will be advised to contact another Workplace Contact/trade union representative. If an employee witnesses harassment they should initially approach the complainant and support them in taking action to stop the behaviour. However where the harassment is persistent they should report it to their manager or a senior manager in the first instance. Alternatively they may consider reporting it under the Federations Whistleblowing Policy. Transfer of Employees In some cases of harassment, where formal action has been taken, the relationship between the two parties may have been so severely damaged that the complainant feels it is no longer feasible for them to continue working together. Action will be taken to ensure the respondent does not remain in the same working environment as the complainant. The complainant should be given the option of moving to another appropriate post but if they do not wish to do so then, in all but exceptional circumstances, the respondent will be moved. Victimisation Victimisation may occur after a complaint of harassment has been made. It may appear in the form of the complainant finding the situation has become worse since complaining, or any employee involved in the complaint becoming isolated by colleagues or their manager, or subject to other forms of retaliation by colleagues or their manager. Victimisation arising from a case of harassment is misconduct and will be dealt with under the Federations Disciplinary Procedure. Statement of Confidentiality The Federation recognises that problems of harassment in the workplace involve sensitive issues and therefore must be treated with discretion. To eliminate harassment from the workplace the Council has adopted a policy of non-tolerance of any form of harassment. However, to eliminate harassment it is necessary to know when it occurs. The Federation is responsible for the actions of its employees and therefore must be informed when it occurs. If a Workplace Contact/trade union representative learns of harassment which could seriously affect an employees wellbeing, or have similar implications for other employees or the organisation, they have a duty of care towards those employees in that they must ensure that Human Resources are informed. This means that the Workplace Contact/trade union representative may on occasion have to disclose information even though it is against the wishes of the employee being harassed. Information will only be divulged on a strict need to know basis. The Federation will make every effort to ensure that all those involved in the investigation and resolution of cases, including complainants, respondents and witnesses respect the necessity for a professional and confidential approach at all times. Managers Responsibilities All managers and supervisors have the responsibility for making sure that their employees are treated professionally and with dignity and respect. This will help to establish a supportive and productive working environment and will help employees to perform effectively and to the best of their ability. Legitimate management action, taken within Council procedures, to deal with employees whose conduct or capability is in question is not harassment. Where a manager is raising concerns about the conduct or capability of an employee it must be done in a professional and sensitive manner ensuring respect for the individual concerned. However, any action or behaviour which falls outside what can be reasonably regarded as legitimate management action and is intimidating, offensive or distressing may constitute harassment. Where you witness unacceptable or offensive behaviour you should take action. This may be on an informal basis by approaching the employee whose behaviour is causing offence. You should explain why the behaviour is offensive and the consequences if the behaviour continues. Every manager or supervisor is responsible for dealing effectively with any informal or formal complaint of harassment which is brought to their attention. Managers should be clear that ignoring complaints and hoping the situation will sort itself out is not an option. Any complainant should be fully supported and not regarded as a nuisance or inconvenience. Failure to deal with a complaint can be regarded as a conduct or capability issue and can result in disciplinary action. Employees Responsibilities Employees must treat all people with courtesy and respect and be aware of how your behaviour can be interpreted by others. You should make sure that you know and understand the types of behaviour and actions that can be regarded as bullying and harassment. If you are aware that your behaviour causes or could cause offence you should stop it immediately. You must be aware that behaviour or actions that are regarded as harassment can result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal. If you make a false or malicious claim of harassment against another person this will result in disciplinary action. You are responsible for your own behaviour and should make sure that you protect the dignity of other colleagues and promote a workplace free from harassment. Workplace Contacts Responsibilities Workplace Contacts are employees who have received training in the Bullying and Harassment procedure. If a complainant chooses not to go to a line manager or senior manager, Workplace Contacts will be the first point of contact for those who feel they are victims of harassment or have witnessed harassment. They can also provide support to employees who have had a complaint of harassment made against them. Workplace Contacts are not there to advise but will go through the procedure and explain the options available. Under the informal procedure the Workplace Contact can accompany the complainant in approaching the respondent or approach the respondent on their behalf. Where the problem cannot be resolved informally the Workplace Contact will provide support during and after formal action. The Workplace Contact will also monitor the situation, after a claim of harassment has been dealt with, by appropriate contact with the complainant and respondent to make sure there is no further cause for complaint. 12. Trade Union Responsibilities Your trade union representative can support you if you feel bullied or harassed. Where the role of the workplace contact is to support you and inform you of the procedure and options available, your trade union representative will advise and can represent you if you decide to submit a formal bullying and harassment complaint. 13. Members of the Council In the case of Members of the Council, an employee should report the behaviour to the Headteacher. The Headteacher, together with the Strategic Director Legal and Corporate Services, will approach the Member on behalf of the employee to discuss the behaviour. If the matter is not resolved and the behaviour continues, the Group/Strategic Director will inform the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council of the behaviour. 14. Training Specific training in how to deal with cases of bullying and harassment will be given to all Workplace Contacts. This policy will be included in all Equal Opportunities training and induction programmes. 15. Monitoring and evaluating the procedure The procedure and policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with the trade unions. 16. Legislation and Codes of Practice relevant to cases of bullying and harassment include: Equalities Act 2010 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2003 Where harassment is of a specific nature based on sex, race or disability it is regarded as unlawful discrimination and is covered by statute under the Equalities Act 2010. Protection from Harassment Act 1997 The Protection from Harassment Act makes harassment, including harassment of an employee in the workplace, a criminal offence which could result in a fine and/or imprisonment. Employment Rights Act 1996 Since all contracts of employment include an implied duty on both employer and employee to maintain trust and confidence, a failure by the employer to protect the employee against bullying or harassment by colleagues is likely to amount to a breach of this term. This may entitle the employee to pursue a case of constructive dismissal, if they terminated their employment as a result of the behaviour and the employers failure to do anything about it. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Health and Safety at Work Act, section 2 (1) places a duty on the employer to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees. It is therefore possible, provided any injury was reasonably foreseeable, for a breach of this duty to give rise to a personal injury claim for any mental or physical suffering caused by bullying or harassment. Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 contains the right not to be dismissed on the basis of trade union membership or activities, or of non-trade union membership. See other Council policies: Whistleblowing Policy Code of Conduct Equal Opportunities Policy Violence at Work Policy Grievance Policy and Procedure Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Mediation Procedure Bullying and Harassment Procedure 1. Informal Procedure Unless it is a serious case of harassment, the complainant should attempt to stop the behaviour using the informal procedure. There are 3 courses of action that can be taken in this procedure. The complainant experiencing harassment can approach the respondent directly. However, we acknowledge that this may be too difficult or embarrassing for some employees. If the complainant feels unable to approach the respondent directly, they should firstly approach their line manager to discuss the problems they are experiencing. If the respondent is the complainants line manager they can contact a senior manager within their service. If the complainant feels unable to approach their line manager, they can get in touch with a Workplace Contact of their choice who will be trained in this procedure. The Workplace Contact can advise on the options available to resolve the situation and support the individual throughout the process. Alternatively, the complainant can contact their trade union representative for support and advice. Whichever course of action is taken it should be explained to the respondent: exactly what behaviour is being complained of; that their behaviour is causing the complainant discomfort and/or offence; how that behaviour makes the complainant feel; that the complainant wants the behaviour to stop. It should then be agreed what behaviour is acceptable and how they should treat each other. Where a manager has dealt with the informal complaint, they should keep a log of the incident and action taken as this will act as a record should the situation arise again. The Workplace Contact/trade union representative or manager will monitor the situation by appropriate contact with the complainant to make sure that the problem has been resolved. If the unwanted behaviour continues, the complainant may wish to use the formal procedure. The informal procedure is designed to stop harassment when it takes place and to help all employees to work together in a professional and dignified manner. Employees may not be aware that their actions cause offence to others and once it is pointed out to them informally it may resolve the situation. Mediation If the informal procedure has been invoked but the matter is not resolved, Human Resources may recommend referring the matter to mediation. Mediation is voluntary, but both parties should have due regard to the views of Human Resources if this option is raised. 3. Formal procedure If the informal approach or mediation has not resolved the problem behaviour, or an incident has occurred which is so offensive to the complainant that an informal approach is not considered appropriate, then the complainant can use the formal procedure. 3.1 Completing a Harassment Complaint Form Under the formal procedure, the complainant should complete a harassment complaint form. This asks for details of the respondent, a description of what happened, how the complainant felt and details of any witnesses. The complainant can get the form from a Workplace Contact or trade union representative, who can help to complete it, if necessary. Alternatively, forms are available on the intranet or from Human Resources. Once the form has been completed it should be sent to Human Resources. Copies of the form should be kept by the Workplace Contact/trade union representative and the complainant. Human Resources will acknowledge the formal complaint in writing within 3 working days. A Human Resources Adviser will contact the Headteacher to inform them that a formal complaint has been made within 3 working days of receipt of the complaint. The Headteacher will notify the respondent that a formal complaint of harassment has been made against them. This will be confirmed in writing with full details of the allegations within 3 working days of the Executive Headteacher being notified of the complaint. 3.2 Initial Scoping Meeting Following written acknowledgement of the complaint, Human Resources will invite the complainant to attend a meeting to discuss the complaint and any implications this may have upon the appropriateness for the complainant and the respondent to continue to work together. This meeting will be held within five working days following written acknowledgement of the complaint. The complainant may request a trade union representative or colleague to accompany them to this meeting. This meeting will not be a formal investigatory interview. Human Resources will establish at this meeting what action has been taken to address the matter informally and whether alternative interventions, such as mediation should be used. It is recognised that the formal bullying and harassment investigation can be disruptive and invasive to a service and can cause upset to both the complainant and the respondent, which may be avoided using alternative solutions to addressing the problem where appropriate. If it is considered that there are grounds for a formal investigation to be undertaken, Human Resources will indicate to the complainant and their representative the potential timescales for undertaking the investigation. If, at any stage during the course of the investigation, it becomes apparent that the estimated timescales cannot be met, this will be discussed with the complainant and their representative and an alternative timescale will be agreed. 3.3 Nomination of an Investigating Officer Where it has been decided that a formal investigation will take place, the Executive Headteacher will make arrangements to appoint a senior manager to be the investigating officer for the case. It is essential that the investigating officer does not work directly with the complainant or the respondent, for reasons of neutrality. The Service Director should nominate an investigating officer within 10 days, in compliance with other timescales. 3.4 Formal Investigation The Investigating Officer will investigate the allegations under the procedures for investigation outlined in the Councils Disciplinary Procedure, supported by a Human Resources Adviser. All those asked to attend investigatory interviews will be able to have a trade union representative, or colleague with them. The complainant and their witnesses will be interviewed by the Investigating Officer and the Human Resources Adviser prior to the respondent. The formal interview with the complainant will be held within 5 working days of initial scoping meeting. At this interview, the complainant will be asked to supply details of any relevant witnesses. A formal statement will be taken from the complainant, which must be signed and dated. The witnesses will then be contacted by the Investigating Officer and asked to attend an investigatory interview. A formal statement will be taken from the witnesses, which should be signed and dated. In exceptional circumstances it may be agreed that the witness remain anonymous. Once the complainant and their witnesses have been interviewed, the Investigating Officer will write to the respondent to invite them to attend an investigatory interview. The respondent will have at least three working days notice of the interview. A formal statement will be taken from the respondent at the investigatory interview, which will be signed and dated. The respondent will also be asked to identify any witnesses. The witnesses will then be contacted by the investigating officer and asked to attend an investigatory interview. A formal statement will be taken from the witnesses, which should be signed and dated. If the respondent or witness does not attend the interview, reasonable efforts will be made to rearrange the interview. If, despite subsequent attempts to rearrange, the respondent does not attend, the investigating officer and the Human Resources Adviser will write their final report and recommendations based on the information gathered to date. If either party is unable to attend the interview due to sickness absence as advised by the Councils Occupational Health Unit, the interview will be postponed for a reasonable amount of time, with agreement from all parties. If the interview cannot be arranged within a reasonable period of time, the investigating officer and Human Resources Adviser will conclude their investigation based on the information gathered to date. The Investigating Officer and Human Resources Adviser will then decide whether it is necessary to interview the complainant or the respondent further. Following the interviews, the Investigating Officer will write a report drawing conclusions in relation to each allegation made wherever possible. This will be presented to the Service Director. The findings in the report will be used to inform the Headteacher. The decision on any further action to be taken will ultimately rest with the Headteacher. The Headteacher will write to the complainant and the respondent within 5 working days of receipt of the report to present the conclusions of the investigation and to advise on whether any action will be taken, and appropriate timescales. Possible outcomes of the formal investigation are that: the complaint is not upheld and therefore no further action is taken the problem is resolved informally between the two parties the matter is referred to mediation there is a need for ongoing monitoring of the situation disciplinary action is taken against the respondent redeployment of either party disciplinary action may be taken against the complainant if the complaint is found to be malicious 3.5 Right of Appeal Where no further action against the respondent is taken, the complainant cannot appeal against that decision. However he or she can appeal the outcome where they believe either the investigation and/or report is procedurally flawed, incomplete, or manifestly biased. The complainant should provide reasons for their appeal in writing to their Headteacher, within 5 working days of receipt of the letter stating the outcome of the investigation. The Headteacher will acknowledge receipt of their appeal within 3 working days and will investigate accordingly. The Headteacher will review the investigatory process in light of the submissions made and will decide whether the appeal should be upheld or not. Where the appeal is upheld the Headteacher will decide what further investigations should be carried out. The decision made by the Headteacher is final. 3.6 Disciplinary Action If a disciplinary hearing is necessary, either as a result of the investigation or a further investigation following a successful appeal as outlined in 3.4 above, it will be organised in accordance with the Councils Disciplinary Policy. The Headteacher will write to the respondent to advise them of the arrangements for the disciplinary interview, giving them at least three working days notice. The Headteacher will enclose any evidence that will be referred to at the disciplinary interview, with the letter. If there are signed and dated statements from the complainant and/or any witnesses, these statements must be submitted to the respondent with the disciplinary letter. The Headteacher will chair the disciplinary hearing and the Investigating Officer will present the case. Witnesses (including the complainant) will generally not be required to attend the disciplinary interview. In exceptional circumstances however, the Headteacher may consider it necessary to request the presence of witnesses, in which case the witness may be accompanied by a trade union representative or a colleague. The representative or colleague will not be able to ask the respondent any questions and will be present only to support the witness. Where the respondent wishes to call a witness, he or she must notify the Headteacher of their intended witnesses prior to the hearing, and should notify their witnesses of the arrangements for attending the hearing. The Headteacher will ensure that a trained minute taker is present at the hearing. The outcome of any disciplinary interview could be: No disciplinary action; A written warning; A final written warning; Redeployment; Dismissal Whether or not disciplinary action is taken against an employee, it may be necessary to rebuild relationships so that parties can continue to work with each other effectively. In such cases, it may be appropriate to refer the relevant parties to mediation. If action is taken short of dismissal, the respondent will be told about the standards of behaviour expected in future. It will also be explained that if the complainant is victimised in the future for bringing this complaint, or if the behaviour continues, there will be further disciplinary action. If the outcome of the disciplinary interview is that no action is taken against the respondent, this should be explained to the complainant. If disciplinary action has been taken against the respondent, his/her behaviour will be monitored by the nominated contact by monthly contact with the complainant and the respondent. This will continue for a period of time as decided at the disciplinary interview. No disciplinary proceedings will be started against the complainant for bringing an unfounded claim of harassment, unless there is evidence that the complaint has been made maliciously. 3.7 Right of Appeal The respondent has the right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken, as explained in the Councils Disciplinary Policy. .      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