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Ensuring that the premises and its furnishings within the designated area of responsibility are cleaned and made safe according to the Authoritys standards and methods. Fire safety to carry out fire safety checks as outlined in fire safety log book. To act on reports of building defects as appropriate. Carry out minor and temporary repairs and maintenance which are within the post holders competence around the school. Ensuring that the school grounds are clear of litter or other hazards to the health and safety of children, staff, parents and visitors to the school. Ensuring all drains and gullies are free flowing. Carrying out routine procedures or inspection of ancillary equipment such as checking automatic pumps, heating controls etc and reporting to the head teacher/business manager any concerns to allow further specialist checks to be carried out. Operating the heating plant so that agreed temperatures are maintained in the school and that an adequate supply of hot water is available. Carry out frost precaution procedures. Uphold the Councils No smoking policy. Responsible for relaying health and safety issues to the headteacher / business manager Monitor and ensure external ground maintenance is to standard. To be involved with the health and safety committee of the school. To generate job order and monitor resultant work and expenditure. Notify the headteacher/business leader of any repairs and maintenance work required at the school which are over and beyond the competence of the staff and direct any contractors visiting the school to undertake repair work. Preparing for lettings of the building and cleaning up after these activities and preparing the school for normal activities thereafter (which can include upto 2 lettings per week and holiday periods excluding weekends). Undertake the porterage duties around the school. Work alongside to support those members of the cleaning staff contracted to have cleaning responsibility for the areas of the building not designated to the Site Manager. Conduct monthly check of water supply and complete site log for water hygiene. Undertake any training requirements to enable the role of Site Manager to be undertaken more effectively and safely. Carry out the necessary daily checks on the school mini-bus. Organise the services and maintenance of the school mini-bus. Such duties arising from time to time and which are reasonable requested by the Head Teacher/Business including occasional evening and weekend lettings. Support with the supervision, monitoring and managing the hydrotherapy pool including daily chemical checks, weekly backwash, ordering specialist chemicals and adhering to all specialist Health and Safety requirements surrounding the daily running of a pool. Administrative duties to include: Making out weekly claims for Site Manager fees and lettings. Ordering of equipment, materials etc. in co-ordination with the Business Manager. Organising and obtaining quotes for contracted work to ensure Best Value. Recording of incidences involving Team Teach techniques being deployed. Recording weekly health and safety checks around school. Recording information relating to fire safety in the fire book. Knowledge and Qualifications ESSENTIAL Good general handyman skills. Ability to use basic ICT particularly e-mail Health and Safety related training. Driving Licence Communication Express ideas and information clearly and in a way which assists people understand the message Team working Working with other Council employees to achieve results and develop good working relationships Dealing with customers/service users Putting the customer/ service user first and giving excellent service. Being Flexible Adapting to change and working effectively in a variety of different situations Learning and Developing Actively improving yourself by developing new skills and knowledge and learning from past experiences Making things happen Organising yourself and taking responsibility for achieving results  DESIRABLE Experience of caretaking / site manager in a school setting. Qualifications: IOSHH willing to undertake training BICS or equivalent  Providing support for the school by: Being committed to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of children and young people. Being aware of and complying with policies and procedures relating to child protection, behaviour, anti bullying, anti racism, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person. Contributing to the overall ethos/work/aims of the school. Participating in training and other learning activities as required. Recognising own strengths and areas of expertise and use these to advise and support others. Fulfilling such other responsibilities allocated which are appropriate to the grade of the post.  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